MTM Systems/Courses

To meet the varied needs of business and industry, MTM provides a dynamic and growing family of systems. MTM is a family of PMT systems which has evolved through a progressive programme of research and development directed to practical solutions for application requirements. The more important M.T.M. systems available in South Africa are:

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Admission requirements: To be admitted to the MTM-1 training (MTM Basic System) the applicant has to have passed the MTM-1 Base exam.

The MTM-1 training imparts knowledge of and skills in the application of MTM-1 and explains the importance of the use of the individual MTM process building block systems.

Consolidation of the rules for the consistent and correct use of the process building block system MTM-1.
Practical exercises to reduce the number of application errors or to consolidate the correct application of the process building block system MTM-1.
The creation of an analysis and synthesis of work processes with the MTM-1 process building blocks.
MTM degrees (“Blue Card” and “Green Card”) and their national and international significance.

The participant knows:
How to proceed in and which documents to use for the creation of planning and production analyses with the process building block system MTM-1.
The essential degrees in MTM training (“Blue Card” and “Green Card”) and their national and international significance.
Other MTM methods, such as ProKon and EAWS, as well as MTM tools, for example TiCon, and their importance and application in PEP.

The participant is able to:
Create MTM-1 analyses independently and masters the MTM-1 rules.
Use MTM-1 correctly in practice, in particular to:
*  Planning and designing work methods, work processes, and workplaces.
*  Shape work contents (i.e. describe and assess them).
*  Improve existing work systems.
Explain the MTM Basic Motions and their fundamental significance for higher aggregated MTM process building block systems.
Select the MTM process building block system most appropriate in his professional environment.
Assess from which further training measures he will benefit most in his profession.

MTM-1 on-site attendance courses and webinars may be taught in accordance with the currently valid Qualification Procedures of MTMA by a licensed MTM-Instructor only. As a rule, the number of participants is restricted to 20. Exceptions require prior written consent by the management of MTMA.

The mandatory training materials consist of the MTM-1 manual, the MTM-1 data card (MTM Standard Times data card), daily repetition exercises, and various forms, all published by MTMA. Further teaching aids are the manual-related presentation, the MTM training box, the software TiCon, and films, which are provided together with the related work system descriptions, in accordance with the syllabus.

MTM-1 training takes 40 hours to complete.

The training in MTM-1 ends with an examination. As an exception, the Examination Board may order an additional oral examination.

Having passed the MTM-1 exam the candidate receives a certificate. Should the participant have failed the exam, a digital confirmation of participation will be issued instead of the certificate.

Admission requirements: To be admitted to the MTM-HWD training the applicant has to have passed the MTM-1 Base
exam. Basic knowledge of ergonomics is recommended.

The MTM-HWD training imparts knowledge of and skills in the application of the process building block system MTM-HWD.

Development of MTM-HWD.
MTM-HWD terminology and description form.
Actions, their limitations and influencing factors.
Rules for the consistent and correct use of the process building block system MTM-HWD.
Practical exercises to consolidate the correct application of the process building block system MTM-HWD.
Creation of analyses and synthesis of work processes with the MTM-HWD process building blocks for ideal design.
Using the MTM-HWD terminology to classify the results (e. g. ergonomic assessment with EAWS).

The participant knows:
The spirit and purpose of process descriptions.
The structure of MTM-HWD, in particular the MTM-HWD actions and influencing factors.
How to model a process with MTM-HWD.
How to create and use an MTM-HWD modeling template.

The participant is able to apply MTM-HWD in practice, in particular to:
Plan and design work methods, work processes, and workplaces.
Describe and evaluate work content.
Improve existing work systems.

MTM-HWD on-site attendance courses and webinars may be taught in accordance with the currently valid Qualification Procedures of MTMA by a licensed MTM-Instructor only. As a rule, the number of participants is restricted to 12. Exceptions require prior written consent by the management of MTMA.

The mandatory training materials consist of the manual MTM-HWD, the MTM-HWD description form, and the influencing factors card, all published by MTMA. Further teaching aids are the manual-related presentation, the MTM training box, software for the application of MTM-HWD, and films, all of which are provided together with the related information or task descriptions of the work systems, in accordance with the syllabus.

The MTM-HWD training takes 40 hours to complete.

The MTM-HWD training ends with an examination. As an exception, the Examination Board may order an additional oral examination. 

Having passed the MTM-HWD exam the candidate receives a certificate. Should the participant have failed the exam, a digital confirmation of participation will be issued instead of the certificate.

Admission requirements: To be admitted to the MTM-SD (MTM Standard Data) training the applicant has to have passed the MTM-1 Base exam.

The MTM-SD training imparts knowledge of the content and structures of the MTM-SD process building block system and trains the skills required for its practical application.

The process building block system MTM-SD and its construction principles.
The principles underlying the development and structure of the Standard Data Basic Values (SD-BV) and the General Purpose Data.
The rules for the consistent and correct use of the process building block system MTM-SD.
Practical exercises to consolidate the gained knowledge.

The participant knows:
The MTM-SD process building block system and its development.
The classification of MTM-SD in the Framework of the MTM Process Building Block Systems.
The principles applied in the development of the process building block system of the Standard Data Basic Values.
The principles applied in the development of the General Purpose Data.
The application requirements for and application areas of MTM-SD.

The participant is able to apply MTM-SD in practice, in particular to:
Structure, plan, and design processes and work systems.
Describe and evaluate work content.
Improve existing work systems.
Create and describe company-specific process building blocks.

MTM-SD on-site attendance courses and webinars may be taught in accordance with the currently valid Qualification Procedures of MTMA by a licensed MTM-Instructor only. As a rule, the number of participants is restricted to 20. Exceptions require prior written consent by the management of MTMA.

The mandatory training materials consist of the MTM-SD manual, the data card of the MTM-SD Basic Values, the data cards of the General Purpose Data, daily repetition exercises, and various forms, all published by MTMA. Further teaching aids are the manual-related presentation, the MTM training box, the software TiCon, and films, which are provided together with the related work system descriptions, in accordance with the syllabus.

The MTM-SD training takes 40 hours to complete.

The MTM-SD training ends with an examination. As an exception, the Examination Board may order an additional oral examination.

Having passed the MTM-SD exam the candidate receives a certificate. Should the participant have failed the exam, a digital confirmation of participation will be issued instead of the certificate.

Admission requirements: To be admitted to the MTM-UAS (Universal Analyzing System) training the applicant has to have passed the MTM-1 Base exam.

The MTM-UAS training imparts knowledge of the content and structures of the MTM-UAS process building block system for batch production, consisting of the MTM-UAS Basic Operations and the MTM-UAS Standard Operations, and trains the skills required for its practical application.

The process building block system MTM-UAS and its development.
Principles of the development, as well as knowledge of the structure and content of the MTM-UAS Basic Operations and the MTM-UAS Standard Operations.
The rules for the consistent and correct use of the process building block system MTM-UAS.
Practical exercises to consolidate the gained knowledge.

The participant knows:
The process building block system MTM-UAS and its development.
The classification of MTM-UAS in the Framework of the MTM Process Building Block Systems.
The relevance of the method level in process type 2 and its influencing factors.
The application requirements for and application areas of MTM-UAS.
The principles underlying the development and description of the standard operations in batch production.

The participant is able to use the process building block system MTM-UAS in practice, in particular to:
Structure, plan, and design processes and work systems.
Describe and evaluate work content.
Identify design potential for planning and improve processes and work systems.
Create and describe company-specific process building blocks.

MTM-UAS on-site attendance courses and webinars may be taught in accordance with the currently valid Qualification Procedures of MTMA by a licensed MTM-Instructor only. As a rule, the number of participants is restricted to 20. Exceptions require prior written consent by the management of MTMA.

The mandatory training materials consist of the MTM-UAS manual (including the back-up analyses of the MTM-UAS Standard Operations), the MTM-UAS data cards of both the basic operations and the standard operations, daily repetition exercises, and various forms, all published by MTMA. Further teaching aids are the manual-related presentation, the MTM training box, the software TiCon, and films, which are provided together with the related work system descriptions, in accordance with the syllabus.

The MTM-UAS training takes 40 hours to complete.

The MTM-UAS training ends with an examination. As an exception, the Examination Board may order an additional oral examination.

Having passed the MTM-UAS exam the candidate receives a certificate. Should the participant have failed the exam, a digital confirmation of participation will be issued instead of the certificate.

The application of the MTM-Logistics Standard Operations requires knowledge of the application of the MTM-UAS Basic Operations. The MTM-UAS Basic Operations are taught in the MTM-UAS training and in the MTM-Logistics training. Participants who have passed the MTM-UAS exam qualify to participate in the shortened * MTM-Logistics (Standard Operations) training.

Admission requirements: To be admitted to the MTM-Logistics training the applicant has to have passed the MTM-1 Base exam.

In the training the participants acquire knowledge of and skills in planning, designing, and optimizing logistical processes. They also gain practical experience in using the MTM-Logistics process building blocks, which were developed on the hierarchic levels of Operation Steps and Operation Sequences in combination with the process building block system MTM-UAS. It is essential that the participant is made familiar with logistics-specific procedures and tools so that he can use them appropriately together with the MTM method to solve time-management tasks in the field of logistics. Apart from teaching theoretical basics, the imparted knowledge is deepened by working on practical examples.

The process building block system MTM-UAS and its development.
Principles of the development, as well as knowledge of the structure and content of the MTM-UAS Basic Operations and the MTM-UAS Standard Operations.
Rules for the consistent and correct use of the MTM-UAS Basic Operations.
Principles of the development, as well as knowledge of the structure and content of the MTM-Logistics Standard Operations.
Rules for the consistent and correct use of the MTM-Logistics Standard Operations.
Optimization and design of logistics processes.

The participant knows:
The advantages of the MTM application in logistics.
The classification of MTM-Logistics Standard Operations in the Framework of the MTM Process Building Block Systems.
The basics of storage and transmission systems in order to select the system most appropriate with respect to methods planning.
The principles underlying the development and description of the MTM process building blocks for logistics processes.

The participant is able to apply the MTM-Logistics Standard Operations in practice, in particular to:
Structure, plan, and design logistics processes and work systems.
Describe and evaluate work content in logistics, using the MTM-Logistics Standard Operations.
Create and describe company-specific process building blocks in logistics.
Identify design potentials for planning and improve logistics processes and logistics work systems.

MTM-Logistics on-site attendance courses and webinars may be taught in accordance with the currently valid Qualification Procedures of MTMA by a licensed MTM-Instructor only. As a rule, the number of participants is restricted to 20. Exceptions require prior written consent by the management of MTMA.

The mandatory training materials consist of the manual MTM-Logistics (including the backup analyses of the MTM-Logistics Standard Operations), the MTM-Logistics data cards, daily repetition exercises, and various forms, all published MTMA. Further teaching aids are the manual-related presentation, the software TiCon, and films, which are provided together with the related work system descriptions, in accordance with the syllabus.

The MTM-Logistics training takes 40 hours to complete.

The MTM-Logistics training ends with an examination. As an exception, the Examination Board may order an additional oral examination.

Having passed the MTM-Logistics exam the candidate receives a certificate. Should the participant have failed the exam, a digital confirmation of participation will be issued instead of the certificate.

* MTM-Logistics (Standard Operations)
Participants who have already completed training in “MTM-UAS” and intend to qualify in “MTM-Logistics” may attend the training course “MTM-Logistics (Standard Operations)”. Training in MTM-Logistics (Standard Operations) is offered by MTMA on a regular basis. To be admitted to the training in MTM-Logistics (Standard Operations) the applicant has to have passed the MTM-UAS exam. The training deals exclusively with the Logistics Standard Operations and ends with the MTM-Logistics exam. MTM-Logistics Standard Operations training takes 20 hours to complete.

Admission requirements: To be admitted to the MTM-MEK (MTM for One-of-a-Kind and Small Variable Batch Production) training the applicant has to have passed the MTM-1 Base exam.

The MTM-MEK training imparts knowledge of the content and structures of the MTM-MEK process building block system, consisting of the MTM-MEK Basic Operations and the MTM-MEK Standard Operations, as well as the required skills to apply the system.

The process building block system MTM-MEK and its development.
Principles of the development, as well as knowledge of the structure and content of the MTM-MEK Basic Operations and the MTM-MEK Standard Operations.
The rules for the consistent and correct use of the process building block system MTM-MEK.
Practical exercises to consolidate the gained knowledge.

The participant knows:
The process building block system MTM-MEK and its development.
The relevance of the method level in process type 3 and its influencing factors.
The classification of MTM-MEK in the Framework of the MTM Process Building Block Systems.
The application requirements for and application areas of MTM-MEK.
The principles underlying the development and description of the standard operations for process type 3.

The participant is able to use the process building block system MTM-MEK in practice, in particular to:
Structure, plan, and design processes and work systems.
Describe and evaluate work content.
Identify design potential for planning and improve processes and work systems.
Create and describe company-specific process building blocks.

MTM-MEK on-site attendance courses and webinars may be taught in accordance with the currently valid Qualification Procedures of MTMA by a licensed MTM-Instructor only. As a rule, the number of participants is restricted to 20. Exceptions require prior written consent by the management of MTMA.

The mandatory training materials consist of the MTM-MEK manual (including the back-up analyses of the MTM-MEK Standard Operations), the MTM-MEK data cards of both the basic operations and the standard operations, daily repetition exercises, and various forms, all published by MTMA. Further teaching aids are the manual-related presentation, the MTM training box and the software TiCon.

The MTM-MEK training takes 40 hours to complete.

The MTM-MEK training ends with an examination. As an exception, the Examination Board may order an additional oral examination.

Having passed the MTM-MEK exam the candidate receives a certificate. Should the participant have failed the exam, a digital confirmation of participation will be issued instead of the certificate.

Admission requirements: To be admitted to the MTM-OS training the applicant has to have passed the MTM-1 Base exam.

The main areas of application are in the clerical and administrative sectors.
This includes:
Method and process comparison of organizational solutions.
Personnel capacity assessment / workload assessment.
Cost planning and time management.
The calculation of manpower requirements is of prime importance.

The MTM Office System can be divided as follows:
MTM–OS: Basic level
MTM-OS: Advanced level.

MTM-OS is a practical and intensive course that provides a method description and time standard for low frequency work and is an effective tool for improving productivity and economic effectiveness in the administrative and service sectors.

The system was developed with the following objectives in mind:
Faster analyzing speed.
To measure cyclical work of a low frequency.
Acceptable accuracy.
Reduced amount of data.
High analyzing speed.
Reproduce ability work methods.

MTM-OS (Office-System) is a functional MTM system used for work measurement applications of administration and services work activities, such as typing or keypunching, filing, reading, and writing.

Day 1: Introduction to MTM-1 and UAS; Overview of MTM in the Service and Administration sector; Basic Principles of data collection; Overview MTM-OS process blocks; MTM-OS Building block: Handle – HA/HB/HC/HD/HE. Exercises and practical examples.

Day 2: MTM-OS Building block: Handle – HF/HG/HH/HI; MTM-OS Building block: Body Motions – KA/KB/KC; Exercises and practical examples.

Day 3: MTM-OS Building block: Mental functions – MA/MB/MC/MD/ME; MTM-OS Building block: Exchange of information – IA/IB/IC; Exercise and practical examples.

Day 4: MTM-OS Building block: Screen Action – SA/SB/SC/SD; MTM-OS Building block: Office Machines – BA/BB; MTM Standard – Processes – Office; Exercise and practical examples; Preparation for the written examinations.

Day 5: Theory and practical examinations.

To qualify delegates under an internationally approved training programme as MTM-OS Analysts.

The participant knows:
The MTM-OS process building block system and the development background.
The classification of MTM-OS in the systematics of MTM process building block systems.
The importance of the method level and its influencing factors.
The application requirements and application areas of MTM-OS.
The principles of developing and describing processes in administration and services.

The participant will be able to apply the MTM-OS process module system in practice, in particular to:
Structuring, planning and designing processes and work systems.
Describing and evaluating processes.
Uncovering design potential in the planning and improvement of processes and work systems.
Develop and describe company-specific building blocks. The ability to evaluate and set standard times for clerical and administration type of work.

MTM-OS on-site attendance courses and webinars may be taught in accordance with the currently valid Qualification Procedures of MTMA by a licensed MTM-Instructor only. As a rule, the number of participants is restricted to 20. Exceptions require prior written consent by the management of MTMA.

The mandatory training materials consist of the MTM-OS manual, the MTM-OS data cards, daily repetition exercises, and various forms, all published by MTMA. Further teaching aids are the manual-related presentation, the MTM training box and the software TiCon.

The MTM-OS training takes 40 hours to complete.

The MTM-OS training ends with an examination. As an exception, the Examination Board may order an additional oral examination.

Having passed the MTM-OS exam the candidate receives a certificate. Should the participant have failed the exam, a digital confirmation of participation will be issued instead of the certificate.

Admission requirements: There are no admission requirements.

We recommend basic knowledge of micro ergonomics (e. g. workplace design), macro ergonomics (e. g. work system design), and behavioral ergonomics (e. g. demands upon man to be able to perform; basic anthropometric aspects; mental aspects; factors concerning the work environment; work design in accordance with ergonomics).

The training imparts basic knowledge of load assessment with EAWS – for both existing and planned work systems. With EAWS efficient ergonomic risk assessment is possible, based on standardized rules.

Selected basics of ergonomics.
EAWS structure, principles and assessment (paper and pencil method).
Comprehensive assessment of the physical loads on the whole body and the upper limbs.
Integral design of the work system and the related processes, in combination with an ergonomic risk analysis.
Implementation of ergonomic requirements on the design process by proactive ergonomics.
Overview of EAWS degrees (“Blue Card” and “Green Card”) and their national and international significance.

The participant knows:
The structure of the EAWS method.
The areas of application and application prerequisites for EAWS.
The importance of proactive ergonomics in product design and process planning.
The correlation between ergonomic assessment and process shaping with the help of a process language (preferably MTM).
The legal basis for ergonomic assessment.

The participant is able to:
Create EAWS analyses independently and gains initial experience with the EAWS rules.
Evaluate how to use EAWS appropriately in his professional environment.
Identify from which advanced training measures he will benefit most in his profession.

EAWS on-site attendance courses and webinars may be taught in accordance with the currently valid Qualification Procedures of MTMA by a licensed EAWS-Instructor only. As a rule, the number of participants is restricted to 20. Exceptions require prior written consent by the management of MTMA.

The mandatory training materials consist of the EAWS manual, EAWS forms, and daily repetition exercises, all published by MTMA. Further teaching aids are the manual-related presentation, the MTM training box and the software TiCon.

The EAWS training takes 40 hours to complete.

The EAWS training ends with an examination. As an exception, the Examination Board may order an additional oral examination.

Having passed the EAWS exam the candidate receives a certificate. Should the participant have failed the exam, a digital confirmation of participation will be issued instead of the certificate.