History of the South African MTM Association.

The following is a brief description of the history of the South African MTM Association from inception listing only most important milestones.

1953 MTM was first introduced to South Africa when two United Kingdom MTM instructors were trained in the UK by ICI instructors trained in turn by the Methods Engineering Council in the US.
1954 A number of practitioners (plus minus 20) had been trained in MTM-1.
1960 Mr F Jay and a colleague, employees of A.E.C.I started presenting internal company MTM courses.
Mid 1960s An attempt was made by the son of the then MD of Norton Abrasives to  create a SAMTMA but without much progress.
1969 The SAMTM Association’s inaugural meeting as Chapter of the United Kingdom MTM Association took place on 3 July 1969. Mr. JR Smith was the first Chairman and Mr CF van Veijerem the Vice Chairman.
1969 Mr. WA Hollington qualified as the first public instructor followed by G de Swardt in March 1970.
1970 Mr. A Margo succeded JR Smith was elected as the next Chairman with JR Smith as Vice Chairman. PH Bailie was the first secretary/treasurer.
1972 It was decided to become a Section 21 Company (Company not for gain) at this time the committee was A Margo – President; WH Hollington – Vice President, F Jay – Treasurer, W Woeber, P Scott, K Goodman, K Mycock, F Bernga, J Visser, D Page and G de Swardt.
1975 SAMTM Association formally registered as a Section 21 Company (Company not for Gain)
1977 Mr. ST Petersen followed A Margo as president.
1982 Mr. OG Sheard followed Mr. ST Peterson as president.
1987 Mr C McGee followed Mr. OG Sheard as president.
1993 Mr. EM Morrison was elected as President of the SAMTMA.
1995 The SAMTM Association established a Training Board.
1995 PADS (Predetermined Administrative Data System) was introduced in South Africa.
1996 The SAMTM Association celebrate 25 years of existence in South Africa.
1996 South Africa admitted to the IMD thereby becomes a National MTM Association and is no longer a Chapter of the UK MTM Association
1997 First International MTM  Directorate (IMD) Meeting held in South Africa
1999 Duriing June 1999 MTM-UAS (Universal Analysing System) was introduced in South Africa.
2005 During May 2005 MTM-Office-System (MOS) was introduced in South Africa.
2012 Second International MTM Directorate (IMD) Meeting in South Africa
2012 International MTM Conference “First Time Right” presented in South Africa
2012 During April 2012 MTM-MEK was intrduced in South Africa
2016 During Jan 2016 MTM- Logistics was introduced in South Africa